Le Stanze della Fumeria

mercoledì 6 febbraio 2019

No Diplomacy Today

Imagine a western, but instead of horses people drive vehicles: jeeps, trucks, pickups, vans, all wheeled, tracked, some of them amphibious, 1940s to 90s style.
A Mad Max Fury Road type convoy, but vehicles are in sound condition, just a little used up and dusty (like starships in the first Star Wars trilogy).

The point of view moves from vehicle to vehicle, showing their rear or sides, starting from the back of the convoy going towards the front.
From the car radios different song are playing: country, jazz, rock 'n' roll, depending on the style of the owner.

Two vehicles are dragging a man: oriental looking, long hair, thin beard, maybe their chief? He did promise something but one "fellow citizen" decided otherwise.
He's still alive, but battered.
He's a prisoner now.

The point of view reaches the front of the convoy, where a too big and bulky army green biplane is parked. A truck arrives and from it a very big machine gun is mounted on the plane, along with boxes of ammunition in quantity.

There will be an assault.
There will be no diplomacy today.

A man with a hat, texan cowboy style, cigar in the mouth, stands in front of the plane, looking pleased at the job being done.
He's grinning.

The scene fades to black.

✪ ✪ ✪

This was a dream I had. It was very dynamic, very cinematic.
It looked cool, great probably for a RPG setting or adventure.

I'm still not sure if I can do anything with this, or if I will and when.
For the moment It went into my Spark File, where I keep my random and very incomplete ideas for when (and if) I'll find a use for them.

I think I'll start putting notes from the Spark File also here on the blog, where other people may see and use them.
Maybe they'll be of inspiration to someone.
Anyway, time to go.

See you road cowboy...

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