Le Stanze della Fumeria

venerdì 8 luglio 2022

Asking Questions in the Ultraviolet Grasslands - a random table

This is a random table that I use in Ultraviolet Grasslands when my players ask questions around.

It's derived from Vornheim, the famous city supplement by Lamentations of the Flame Princess but it has been expanded and adapted to the d20+Stat UVG-style random tables.

When you, the Top Cat aka Referee don't know if a character knows the answer to a question or a piece of information the players asked, make them roll on this table and enjoy the (relatively low but still potentially interesting) chaos of randomness.


Questions Asked & Questions Answered

d20Charisma Test
1Doesn’t know, and tells another interested party they were asking.
2Doesn't know, gives wrong or made up information (accidentally?)
3Doesn’t know.
4Doesn’t know, but can introduce the party to someone who might.
5Doesn’t know, but in the next destination there’s someone who knows.
6Says they doesn’t know and seems afraid to say.
7Doesn’t know, but says someone asked about that same thing.
9Doesn’t know, but has a proposition related to the question.
10Doesn’t know, and wants to know and will pay for the same information.
11Doesn’t know, but they’ll ask around. Come back in a week's time.
12Doesn’t know, but knows something else of interest to the party.
13Knows, and tells another interested party they were asking.
14–15Knows… for a price.
16Knows, but seems to hold some information.
17Knows, and says someone asked about that same thing.
18–19Knows! And that’s it.
20Knows, and will pay if the information is verified.
21+Knows more than what the party asked and will tell about it.

by Moebius

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